Art Deco style Model A-100 Do Not Disturb/Maid Requested
Motel Guestroom Privacy Indicator Door Lock
You'll find them in hotels and motels across the country,
from classic mid-century motels along Route 66 to historic luxury hotels in New York City.
Scroll down to see if we have any unrefurbished A-100 Indicator Locks available.
In 2006 we discontinued manufacturing the original Art Deco and later version A-100 Pri-Va-Cee™ Indicator Lock. We created new finish-matching cover-plates that allow for a seamless upgrade to our new L-100 Do Not Disturb privacy indicator lock. Also surface mounted, this sturdier replacement provides guests with an added sense of comfort and security.
8-Point Emergency Access Key
(works only on the A-100 series locks)
Surface Strike w/screws for A-100
Now Available!
Surface-Mounted Do Not Disturb Indicator Lock
A-100 Spare Parts:
Model L-100 Privacy Indicator Lock with Cover-Plate.
(800) 578-1816 (417) 686-0811
If you need to replace your motel's original A-100 Pri-VA-Cee indicator locks we created a cover-plate for our Model L-100 indicator lock that covers the old holes and features an easy-to-flip lever for ADA compliance.
© 2025 Pride Barco Lock Company